Tuesday, May 14, 2013


So, a very good friend of mine from over here tagged me in a so-far-nameless blog tag like, ages ago (sorry!). The point is to state 11 facts about yourself, answer 11 questions, make up 11 questions and then tag 11 other bloggers. I'll leave out the last part because I don't know 11 other bloggers for the life of me. So yeah. Figure that out.

11 Facts About Me.

1. I talk to inanimate objects. Like books. Or my computer.

2. Both my desk and my comfy chair are more like... storage space. All the business happens on my bed.

3. If I don't like the first two chapters of a book, I don't finish it. Unless it's for school.

4. I reread good books multiple times.

5. I have about 300 books on my shelves but because I reread most of them so often, I often feel like I don't  own any books.

6. I like poetry. Weird thing, huh?

7. My brain is constantly working in several different realities, depending on what I'm currently reading/writing/watching.

8. I am terrible at drawing.

9. I used to have piano lessons but although I love to play piano I am just not good at it.

10. I don't like my knees. They are not aesthetically pleasing to me.

11. I am incredibly glad this is the last one because hell this was difficult.

11 Questions asked by Nele from nelephantastic.

1. If you could be a Disney princess, which one would you be?
I would like to be Mulan, but really, that's not gonna happen. I'd probably be Belle from Beauty and the Beast. 'Cos BOOKS!

2. What do you do when you're incredibly tired?
Sleep, I guess? Or drink cocoa. Lots of cocoa.

3. Which language would you like to speak fluently?
Hindi. Or Japanese. Or Sindarin (that's Elvish). Or Klingon. Sigh. So much to learn.

4. Which book/film would you never give away?
Of those that actually belong to me and not my parents, my signed (and partly dedicated!) copies of John Green's books. Or my beautiful edition of the Lord of the Rings. Or the Black Magician Trilogy. Or my entire collection.

5. What is your favourite season (as in, time of year)?
Autumn. See the post below.

6. Where would you like to travel someday?
Japan. And Greece. And India. And Rome. And Edinburgh. And Narnia.

7. What is your best childhood memory?
Watching The Jungle Book with my parents. I still almost cry when I watch that now because it's basically my childhood.

8. What is your favourite quote?
"My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations." ~ John Green, The Fault in our Stars

9. Who do you admire and why?
Oh, that's a tough one. I'm going to say Joanne K. Rowling because she brought magic into my world.

10. Crisps or chocolate?
Chocolate. Because it cures sadness and there are more chocolate varieties that I like than there are crisp varieties I like.

11. What annoying habit do you have?
Cracking my knuckles.

As I said, I won't tag anybody, so there's really no point in me figuring out questions to ask. There's another post coming up, though!

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